European Night of Researchers 2018
Naples, (IT), 28 November 2018
Georgia Ntasi presented her work and innovative kit at European Night of Researchers in Naples.
The open science event “European Night of Researchers” in Naples was held on November, 28-29. The event aimed to bring researchers closer to the general public and was designed to spark especially young people’s interest in natural sciences. It included activities for all ages, including, workshops, experiments, meetings with researchers, and exhibitions. The activities took place at different cultural sites of Naples, including the Museum of Capella, where TEMPERA fellow, Georgia Ntasi, together with her research group had a stand. Georgia Ntasi and her group demonstrated an innovative kit they have developed as a micro-invasive approach for the digestion of proteins in paintings and works of art. Georgia presented her work to a broad audience , also reaching young participants from the age of 9, explaining ‘what protein is’ and ‘how the molecules fly during MALDI-TOF analysis’. To visualize their working methods, Georgia and her group had brought different laboratory stuff, including the kit, pipettes, gloves and the MALDI plate, and also showed a video they had created with a real time experiment.
To watch the video click here