
23 - 24 August  2024

Histoire matérielle des manuscrits carolingiens de Fleury : écriture, parchemin et reliure

Material History of Carolingian Manuscripts from Fleury: Writing, Parchment, and Binding 

Organized by HiCSA (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), the Orléans library network, and the Institute for Research and History of Texts (IRHT-CNRS), and funded by the ERC Beast to Craft project, this event brought together renowned international experts to explore the methods of production, conservation, and analysis of manuscripts from this period.

The first day, open to the public was dedicated to theoretical presentations on various topics such as the scriptorium and library of Fleury in the early Middle Ages, parchment-making techniques, animal anatomy and its implications for parchments, and methods of reading palimpsests using multispectral imaging.

The second day, by registration only and for a limited audience, was a practical workshop, offering participants the opportunity to acquire skills in biocodicological analyses, techniques for examining medieval bindings, and multispectral imaging of manuscripts.

The workshop was an opportunity for researchers, curators, and enthusiasts to delve into the detailed study of Carolingian manuscripts from Fleury, to exchange knowledge, and to discover the latest advances in the field of analysis and conservation of medieval manuscripts.

Link to Workshop Pages here