Workshop 5 - Science communication & career planning

Hotel Hornbækhus, Hornbæk, and Mærsk Tower, Copenhagen, 6-10 June 2023

Useful info

The workshop was hosted by Hannes Schroeder from the University of Copenhagen and took place in Hornbaek and Copenhagen. The workshop was focused on two main topics. The first day focused on dissemination of research outputs through outreach and a variety of different media formats. The second day of the workshop was focused on Grant applications and funding opportunities. The research meeting was held on the third day allowing the ESRs to present their research to the network. 


Tuesday, 6 June. Arrival and check-in at Hotel Hornbækhus

From 14.00 Check-in

19.00-21.00 Dinner at Hotel Hornbækhus

The location at Hotel Hornbækhus allowed for a relaxing atmosphere near the beach for the first two days of our residential workshop. 

Wednesday, 7 June. Science communication (Hotel Hornbækhus)

08.45-09.00 Welcome and introduction to the day

09.00-10.00 How to get your research into the media and how to handle it when it does (Kristine Bohmann, UCPH)

10.00-12.00 Make research dissemination personal with podcasts (Kasper Bergstrøm, Berg Streaming) 

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.00 Capture easy behind-the-scene footage of your research (Kasper Bergstrøm, Berg Streaming) 

15.00-15.30 Coffee & cake

15.30-17.00 Communicating your science online (Christina Lauer and Leon Sloth, TodayStudio)

19.00-21.00 Dinner at Hotel Hornbækhus

The first day was focused on science communication with a number of different sessions to focus on different aspects of communication and different audiences. The ESRs had the opportunity to discuss media coverage of their research, website and social media design and hands on sessions on podcasts and vodcasts where they could record audio and video for outreach activities. 

Thursday, 8 June. Life after the PhD (Hotel Hornbækhus)

09.00-09.30 The European funding landscape (Hannes Schroeder & Matthew Collins, UCPH)

09.30-12.00 The Villum Experiment: Crazy ideas and how to get them funded (Frido Welker, UCPH)

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.00 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships (Matthew Collins & Hannes Schroeder, UCPH)

15.00-15.30 Coffee & cake

16.00-17.00 Transfer to Copenhagen and check-in at Hotel Hebron Copenhagen

17.00-18.00 Management team meeting  at Hotel Hebron Copenhagen

18.30-20.00 Supervisors dinner at Cofoco (ESRs to arrange their own dinner)

The second day was focused on grant applications a CV workshop. These sessions covered different funding schemes around Europe from smaller grants like the Villum experiment to large fellowship applications such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships. One of the sessions took advantage of the location to have group discussions on the beach. 

Friday, 9 June. Scientific meeting (Mærsk Tower)

09.00-10.35 5 ESR talks (15 mins each including questions)

10.45-12.00 5 ESR talks (15 mins each including questions)

12.00-13.00 Lunch at the Mærsk Tower

13.00-14.15 4 ESR talks (15 mins each including questions)

15.00-17.00 Supervisor-student meetings

18.30-22.00 Dinner at KonTiki

The Friday was filled with ESR presentations at the research meeting where we were joined by some of the supervisors from the network. 

Saturday, 10 June

10.00-12.00 Brunch at National Museum 

12.00-12.30 Tour at National Museum

The final event of the workshop and research meeting was brunch followed by a guided tour of the Viking Raid in the National Museum in Copenhagen. The highlight of the tour was the worlds largest viking boat.