Research themes

ChemArch will integrate research across different artefact types & methodological approaches to tackle 4 themes.

Theme 1: Preservation (Why did it survive?)

1. Examining the representation of wooden artefacts in prehistoric archaeological assemblages ESR1 

2. Recovering proteins from prehistoric pottery using immunological and proteomic approaches ESR2 

3. Preservation of DNA in tars and resins associated with artefacts ESR3 

4. Protein survival in charred ‘foodcrusts’: insights into Mesolithic container technology ESR4 

5. Blood from Stone: utilising novel extraction techniques for the removal of tightly bound molecules from mineral surface ESR5 

Theme 2: Function (How was it used?)

6. Exploring the function of grinding stones using old and new methods ESR6 

7. Tracking cereal processing in Neolithic pottery ESR7 

8. Chemical analysis of stone cooking technologies ESR8 

9. Exploring the artefactual record of feasting during the Orcadian Late Neolithic ESR9 

10. Genetic evidence for artefacts associated with prehistoric wine ESR10 

11. Exploring the function of hearths through biomolecular approaches  ESR11

Theme 3: Technology (How was it made?)

12. From ideology to economy: unveiling the taxonomic origin of animal bone artefacts with palaeoproteomic analysis ESR12 

13. Tracking adhesive technologies from the Late Glacial to Early Holocene ESR13 

Theme 4: Provenance (Where did it come from?)

14. Nature and function of plant based artefacts ESR14 

15. Developing the application of hydrogen isotope analysis (δD) to determine artefact function and provenance ESR15