ESR 2: Recovering proteins from prehistoric pottery using immunological and proteomic approaches (Nice/Copenhagen)

image of a persons hand holding a tool which is touching some water-logged bones in an archaeology pit

Yun Chiang

I gained my BA in Archaeology from Cambridge, and MSc in Bioarchaeology from York. I am currently working on a new authentication tool written in Python 3 with Matthew Collins in Cambridge. My research centres on allergenic proteins, deamidation, palaeodiet, and the combination of immunoassays and LC-MS/MS. 

My PhD Project

The aim of this ESR 2 project is to compare and contrast immunological and MS-based methods. These two approaches are independent but complementary, offering secure identification of ancient epitopes and protein groups. 

Proteins associated with archaeological ceramics will be targeted since they provide valuable insight into past diet, culinary practices, material culture, and socio-economic dynamics. 

Allergenic proteins are also focused because of their high thermal and molecular stability. These well-preserved allergens may be detected using antibody kits. 


1. Involved in Colin Renfrew’s Keros/Dhaskalio and CAU’s Must Farm projects

2. Received Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship from York

3. Nominated for John Evans Dissertation Prize 


Stéphane Azoulay (CEPAM)


Matthew Collins (UCPH)