Wikipedia pages

ESRs produced wikipedia entries either by creating new content or by editing other entries to ensure the entries were accurate and impactful, based on their research.  Wikipedia is the 5th most visited website in the world, with between 16 and 17 billion page views every month and offers unparalleled reach for delivering academic content and is therefore vital that these pages deliver accurate information.

Jonica Doliente & Deborah Roversi produced the page on Alkylresorcinol

Jakob Hansen, Ingrid Bertin, Alice & Margherita Cantelli all worked together on the information siite for the La Draga Site.

Tabea Koch edited the wikipedia page on Birch tar

Jan Dekker & Yun Chiang worked on the wiki pages for ZooMS and Ancient protein 

Anna White & Oya Inanli added a section on the authentication of aDNA 

Alice updaged the page on Ground stones

Julia Becher created an 'organic residue analysis in archaeology' page.