
The first workshop was a network introduction and foundation in collaborative tools. ESRs, supervisors and project partners were provided with an introduction to the network. Guidance was provided on using collaborative tools and PhD management specifically for the European Joint Doctorate network as well as Intellectual Property and academic integrity. 

The theme of the second workshop was "artefacts from field to laboratory" with an emphasis on field archaeology and sample recovery.  The ESRs prepared a poster introducing their research to a range of international project partners who attended the workshop. 

Workshop 3 & 4

London, 19 Sep 2022

The third workshop will showcase analytical methods in separations and mass spectrometry. The ESR students will receive training in the latest approaches in the field, hear about careers as an analytical scientist and equality and diversity in science. 

Workshop 4 will focus on artefact analysis, interpretation and curation. The ESR students will receive training in museum perspectives on analysing artefacts, curation, non-destructive analysis and hear about careers in the museum sector, along with ethical dimensions to artefacts research. 

Workshop 5

6-9 June 2023

The final workshop will focus on public outreach, science communication, and career planning. Training will be delivered by outreach specialists and professional communicators and the ESRs will get the opportunity to communicate their research to a diverse audience. 

There will also be a session on grant writing, life after the PhD including next steps and how to find funding and careers outside of academia.