Workshop 1 Barcelona 2021

image of workshop 1 participants standing in a plaza at the Autonomous University of Barcelona


The workshop was held on the campus of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona on 6th and 7th October. An overview of how the ChemArch project will run and what the hopes and expectations of the project are was given to the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), Supervisors and Project Partners. 

Visits and talks

The ESRs visited different museums in and around Barcelona and received talks on topics such as responsible research, ethics, public dissemination and gender perspective. 

image of workshop 1 participants standing on the steps of the Archaeological Museum of Catalonia
image of workshop participants in a seminar

Hybrid meeting

Due to the restrictions of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic it wasn't possible for all participants to attend the workshop in person so most of the sessions were delivered face-to-face and with an online presence. 


The participants were shown around the facilities of ICTA and La Draga, ChemArch project partners, which allowed them to see both the archaeological and science aspects of the project. 

image of workshop 1 parciticpants touring the facilities at ICTA
image of workshop 1 participants viewing archaeological artefacts at the Museum of Banyoles


The participants were shown several artefacts uncovered at the La Draga site, including pieces of twine which were over 7,000 years old. Viewing the artefacts enabled the speakers to explain preservation methods and talk about the findings from the La Draga site.