Final Meeting June 2024

Final ChemArch Meeting to be held in the Ardeche, France 18th - 22nd June 2024.

Day 1 Wednesday 19th June

Session 1 proteins

Beatrice Demarchi - A short perspective on ancient protein studies in archaeology

ESR talks Proteins

Jakob Hansen - From Ideology to economy: unveiling the taxonomic origin of animal bone artefacts with palaeoproteomic analysis - progress and preliminary results

Jan Dekker - Surviving Time and Flame: Analysing Archaeological Foodcrust 

Yun Chiang - Antibodies & proteomics - a dynamic duo or an unhappy marriage?

Proteins discussion/remarks: 

Chair: Matthew Collins

Session 2 Afternoon

EDI training for the ESRs

Day 2 Thursday 20th June

Session 3 - lipids and isotopes

Thibaut Deviese - Improving the radiocarbon dating method of bones and implications for archaeological studies

ESR Lipids and Isotopes talks

Alice Di Muro - Tracking the role of marine resources to food security and livelihoods in postcolonial Brazil through chemical analysis of pottery

Julia Becher - Pots, People, Place. Investigating the use of ceramics in Late Neolithic, Orkney

Margherita Cantelli - Exploring the Early Neolithic food system through the analysis of cooking stones

Jonica Doliente - AR: Now You See Me. Detection and identification of alkylresorcinols (ARs) using LC-Q-Orbitrap MS

Lipid Discussion/Remarks:

Chair: TBC

Session 4

Excursion to Grotte Chauvet

Grotte Chauvet cave paintings

Grotte Chauvet cave paintings

Day 3 Friday 21st June

Session 5 - Plant, soils and DNA

Philipp Stockhammer - Integrating Bioarchaeology and Postmodern Archaeology in the Analysis of Archaeological Artefacts

Ivy Notterpek - Exploring the function of heaths through biomolecular approaches

Tabea Koch - Tracking adhesive technologies from the Late Glacial to Early Holocene

Deborah Roversi - Examining charcoal and wooden artefacts in prehistoric archaeological assemblages

Ingrid Bertin - Nature and function of plant artefacts : preliminary results on consolidated artefacts

Plants and Soils Discussion/Remarks: 

Chair: TBC

Session 6

ESR DNA talks

Oya Inanli - Metagenomic perspectives on traditional beer brewing: New insights from Scandinavian yeast rings

Nelli-Johanna Saari -  Blood from stone: Developing novel extraction techniques for the removal of tightly bound molecules from mineral surfaces

Alice Cao - Exploring DNA preservation on archaeological ground stones 

Anna White - Biomolecular perspectives on the uses of birch bark tar artefacts

DNA Discussion/Remarks: 

Chair: Nathan Wales