Induction TPA & RICA Support

RICA: For RICA support, please go here.

TPA: If you are a teacher who has finished their credential program but still has to complete the TPA in order to earn your preliminary credential, please book an appointment with our TPA Coordinator, Nadja Conway, for support. For teachers who already have a preliminary credential the CTC announced the following on July 14, 2023:

PSA 23-05 – SB 114 Teaching Performance Assessment Exemption for Preliminary Credential Holders with Covid 19 Pandemic Deferrals

Governor Newsom signed SB 114 on July 10, 2023 that exempts preliminary credential holders who received a TPA deferral as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic from having to complete a TPA.  It is important that candidates understand that this exemption is only for the TPA and only for specific candidates.  For more information, please see PSA 23-05. 

In short, this means:

What next?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to