Substitute Coverage for Coaches

Please note that Administrator approval is needed prior to booking your sub.

We are excited to offer two forms of substitute coverage to support new teacher growth and development! 

(This includes covering release time for coaches to observe their coachees!)

We know that a teacher's most valuable, and often most limited, resource is TIME. We have heard new teachers ask for additional time during the work day to focus on their own professional learning and growth. Therefore, OUSD's New Teacher Support & Development Team is thrilled to provide substitute coverage to give new teachers and their coaches additional time for the following:

Option 1: Request coverage from NTSD's STIP Sub

NTSD's STIP Sub is Danny Arteaga. Because she is in a STIP Sub role, you will use this Google Form (NOT Frontline) to request her services. Read the instructions provided in the google form before proceeding.

Option 2: Book Your Own Sub with NTSD's Budget

For this option, you will use Frontline. When booking your substitute on Frontline, follow these instructions: