Magnetic Grapheme Tiles

Ordering: For schools interested in purchasing additional grapheme tiles, please email Please specify "Grapheme Tile Orders" in the email subject box. Thank you.

How to Use Grapheme Tiles and Cookie Sheets

French and English

Grapheme tiles have a multitude of uses in the literacy classroom.  These can be used with the cookie sheets provided or any magnetic surface. These have currently been allocated for use in Grade 1 and Grade 2 English, French and ETFI Grade 2.

Example Activities 





Click here for a variety of templates formatted for the dimensions of the cookie trays (10 x 16.5).

These can be printed on ledger (and trimmed) or printed through print services (with principal approval) for .70 cents each, in colour, on never tear (the thinnest gauge that will still hold the magnets). If printing through Print Services, please contact 

English tiles include:

French tiles include: