Take 20

In the Take 20 sessions, we talk about the skills you need to be a successful student (and a successful person outside of school). On this page, you'll find articles, resources, and the instructions that you saw in class from each of these sessions. You can also check out our Youth Life Skills resources page or our JMSS Health and Wellness page for even more resources!

Take 20 Session 1 - Responsibility


"With great power comes great responsibility", but what does it actually look like to be responsible? To take responsibility for yourself? This Take 20 session is all about how taking responsibility can benefit you and things you can do step up.

No Need for Excuses 1 Teen Breathe.pdf
No Need for Excuses 2 Teen Breathe.pdf

Check out this article from Teen Breathe for some more detail about why making excuses actually makes your life harder, and how taking responsibility for yourself and your actions helps to make you a stronger, more independent, and generally more excellent person.

Coping Skills

What is a coping strategy exactly, and how can you plan to accomplish everything you need to do when things get busy? This Take 20 session is all about how to cope when things are stressful and ways to plan your time for success.

Take 20 Session 2 - Coping Strategies
Take 20 Session 3 - Time Management

Time Management

You know what your responsibilities are, you know what assignments you have coming up, and you know the due dates, but how do you actually make sure it all gets done? Good time management often comes down to having a good plan in place so that you can make sure you have the time to accomplish everything you need to do. This Take 20 Session walks you through how to make a plan to tackle your busy schedule.

Want more tools to help get your schedule on track?

Check out The Learning Portal.

Create a Task List (and actually get it done!)

Create a Weekly Schedule

Create a Semester Plan