Persuasive Writing

Database of articles on social topics. Tutorials and support for writing persuasive essays. A password is needed for this if you're at home. Find it here.

Collection of articles, media, e-books and encyclopedias on just about any topic you can think of.

CBC's streaming service for schools. Find news clips, documentaries, podcasts, radio shows etc. Create your own account. Instructions available here.

These two e-book encyclopedias have a huge number of interesting topics to explore. If you don't yet have an idea for your essay topic, check out their Tables of Contents. You can find the password to enter the encyclopedias here

PASSWORD to use Britannica at home

Students can toggle between 3 reading levels on each article, have articles read aloud, and use Merriam-Webster's double click dictionary to hear words pronounced and read their definitions. Each article can also be translated into over 80 languages. 

VIDEO: How to Choose Reading Level in Britannica

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JMSS Research and Writing Help

New! How to make a Works Cited in Docs

The following resources are for Ms. Meldrum's class:

Comprehensive collection of recommended websites about multiculturalism, immigration, and diversity.

Documentary site with background info and related resources.

Documentary site with background info and related resources.