Arrest that Pest!!


Jot Notes Tips.mp4
Generating web search terms EAB

Ash Trees in Ottawa: making jot notes: suggested answers and tips

Q: What information will help me know whether I am looking at an ash tree?  This video made by Librarian Ms. Faraday will help you decide what types of info to include.

Preparing for Research: brainstorming search terms

Q: How can I get lots of relevant and useful results when I search Google on my topic? This slideshow will help you re-phrase and expand your search options to get the best info.

Research Websites

Government Websites: city, province, country

Why these sites?

Since Canadian citizens fund government activity with their tax dollars, government departments have a responsibility to provide good, reliable information that serves their citizen's needs.

Non-profit organizations

Why these sites?

Non-profit organizations are usually organized to fulfill a social need that is not fully covered by government services. Non-profits are not concerned with making money, as a business would be, but with making positive improvements in society, the environment, and other important areas. Many non-profits have charitable status, which means that they must fit standards of ethical behaviour. While non-profit organizations definitely have an agenda, for the most part the information is reliable. 

Check to see who the non-profit's partners are. Governments often will provide funding if the non-profits goals are judged worthy.

Our Old Friend, Canadian Geographic.

Why this site?

Canadian Geographic does research and writes articles about current, important geographic issues.