Plants and Animals

(Year 1 Term 3)

National Curriculum Coverage


  • identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees

  • identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees

  • observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants

  • find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy

  • identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers

  • explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant

  • investigate the way in which water is transported within plants

  • explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal


  • identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

  • identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

  • describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)

  • identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense

  • notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults

  • find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)

  • describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene

  • identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat

  • identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement

  • describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans

  • identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions

  • describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans

  • identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood

  • recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function

KS2 Teacher Assessment Framework Outcomes

  • name, locate and describe the functions of the main parts of plants, including those involved in reproduction and transporting water and nutrients

  • name and describe the functions of the main parts of the digestive, musculoskeletal and circulatory systems

  • describe the effects of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on how the body functions

Path A Key Questions:

Q: What are the parts of a plant?

Q: What do plants need to grow?

Q: Describe and group some animals.

Q: What do animals need to survive?

Q: What are the parts of the human body?

Path B Key Questions:

Q: How do you know something is alive?

Q: How do plants reproduce and grow?

Q: How do the main human organ systems work?

Q: What does a human need to be healthy?

Q: What are plant and animal life cycles?

Knowledge Guides

Science Plants and Animals Knowledge Guide.pptx

Working Scientifically:

Path A

Path B

Cress Investigation.pdf
Heart Rate Investigation Booklet A4.pdf