
Sentence Level

Through modelled and shared writing, pupils are explicitly taught a variety of sentence structures including:

  • Simple sentence

  • Compound sentence

  • Complex sentence with adverbial/ subordinate/ relative clauses

Pupils are given repeated opportunities to rehearse these sentence structures in isolation until they can independently use them to good effect in their writing. Writing at sentence level is developed before moving on to paragraph level work.

The KS1 and 2 punctuation and grammar curricula are taught at sentence level and subsequently applied to paragraph and whole text writing.

Paragraph Level

Through shared and modelled writing, pupils are explicitly taught how to structure a paragraph in the following format:

  • Topic sentence

  • Supporting details

  • Summary sentence

Pupils draft, edit and revise paragraphs across all curriculum subjects. This skill is particularly learned and rehearsed through responding to the 'key questions' in the Foundation Curriculum.

Whole Text Level

Through modelled and shared writing, pupils are taught a range of 'frameworks' within which they can compose whole texts. They are taught to use cohesive devices and develop awareness of the reader to ensure their texts make sense and have the intended impact.

Pupils are allowed and encouraged to use their special interests to colour and inform their writing as this supports motivation and engagement.

Pupils draft, edit and revise their whole text across the period of several weeks, usually producing 1-2 finished pieces per half term, which are then shared and celebrated with an audience.

Alternative Methods of Recording

For many pupils in the Oaklands Centre, writing by hand is a barrier to progress. All pupils have the opportunity to learn to use word processing software (Google Docs) and a variety of other apps (e.g. Google Slides, Jamboard, Book Creator) on their individual Chromebook as an alternative to help them record their learning and ideas.


Grammar and Punctuation Tracker.pdf
PKS Writing Only.xlsx
KS2 Writing Only.xlsx


TWR Pacing-Guide-Level-1 (1).pdf