Speech, Language, Vocabulary and Oracy

Speech and Language

Many pupils at the Oaklands Centre have speech and language difficulties associated with autism. Pupils receive 1:1 or group tuition to support them to make progress towards their individual targets. In some cases, this tuition may be guided by a Care Plan implemented by a Speech Therapist.

Vocabulary Instruction

Vocabulary instruction is embedded across all curriculum subjects.

Vocabulary instruction:

  • Is focused on the connections between new and known words.

  • Includes direct instruction of words specific to texts and topics pupils will encounter.

  • Provides pupils with repeated opportunities to encounter words in a variety of contexts.

  • Focuses on the Tier 2 vocabulary pupils are most likely to encounter in the curriculum.

  • Helps pupils learn the definition and function of words in different contexts.

  • Integrates a variety of approaches to learning.

  • Celebrates words and the knowledge of words.


All pupils have the opportunity and encouragement to develop their oracy skills on a daily basis. These opportunities are embedded across the whole curriculum.

Oracy Progress Map (1).pdf