Medieval and Tudor Monarchs

(Year 2, Term 2)

National Curriculum Coverage

  • A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066

Path A Key Questions:

Q: What happened in 1066?

Q: What happened to Henry VIII’s wives?

Q: What was Tudor life like?

Q: Who was Queen Elizabeth I?

Q: What was the Spanish Armada?

Path B Key Questions:

Q: What happened after the Battle of Hastings?

Q: Who were the Medieval Monarchs?

Q: How and what do we know about Henry VIII?

Q: What was life in Britain like under Elizabeth I?

Q: Why did the Spanish Armada fail?

Knowledge Guides:

History Medieval Monarchs.pptx

Unit Quizzes:

Unit Quiz- Medieval and Tudor Monarchs.pdf