Reading for Pleasure

Class Novel

All pupils are read to daily by an adult. Whole texts of varied, high quality children's literature are chosen. Pupils have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the vocabulary and plot.

Curriculum Novel

Narrative texts are chosen to bring the Foundation Curriculum to life, for example 'Roman Soldier's Handbook' during The Romans in Britain, 'Viking Boy' during Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and 'The Bug Girl' during Habitats.

Independent Reading

All pupils have access to the class and school library and are given time daily to engage in independent reading. Adults discuss pupils' choice of text with them. Within reason, pupils are allowed to read the text and text type of their choice to ensure that the experience is child-led and genuinely pleasurable.

Books chosen as the class novel and curriculum novel are kept on display in the classroom during and after reading and pupils are encouraged to explore them for themselves.