Online Courses for Acceleration/Credit Recovery

It is important to note that if students want to earn credit for a course, it must be A-G approved. There are many online schools that do not carry this accreditation, or their accreditation only counts if an OSA teacher adopts and teaches their curriculum, so please check in with a counselor before purchasing an online class from a school that is not listed below.

These programs offer A-G approved courses for credit. Prices will vary with each. Students can sign up for these programs through their websites.

*There are often tuition free online options offered by city and community colleges. For more information about those, click here to navigate to the Concurrent Enrollment page on this site.

*Please note that these programs are separate from Oakland School for the Arts. To get credit for courses, students must request transcripts from the school and submit them to OSA. In addition, OSA is not partnered with these providers. Students with questions or concerns about curriculum, grades, or faculty must reach out directly to these programs.