Vocal Music

Middle School Course of Study

Musicianship I

6th grade class for pitch and rhythm recognition, written and aural skills are assessed

Musicianship II

7th grade class for major scales, HS/WS, intervals - written and aural skills are assessed

Musicianship III

8th grade class for comprehensive beginner theory - students would proceed to HS Theory 2 with a passing final grade of 80 pts or higher

Solo Repertoire

Students work on solo performance of a variety of musical styles

Foundational Choir

Beginner Choir for all 6th grade students - 2 pt harmony, canons

Select Ensemble

Intermediate Choir for 7th and 8th grade students - 3-4 pt harmony


Advanced choir for 7th and 8th grade students - 4-6 pt harmony, complex harmony

High School Course of Study

Music Theory I

Beginner Theory for new students, or those with a grade below 75 on the MS Theory final

Music Theory II

Intermediate theory - major & minor scales, chord structure, rhythm and aural skills

Music Theory III

advanced theory - 7th chords, modal harmony, and aural skills

Solo Repertoire

Rotating course for solo performance in a variety of genres including broadcasting, classical, contemporary

One Voice Choir

Intro Choir - part reading for 4 voices, variety of genres

One Voice Choir II

Concentrator Choir - for students who are new to OSA, or in need of additional time in basic skills

Concert Choir

Concentrator Choir - audition for intermediate choir with more complicated harmonies

Concert Choir II

Capstone Choir - intermediate choir - option for leadership roles, internships - includes senior recital

Vocal Rush

Concentrator Choir - advanced choir with complex harmonies, professional skills

Vocal Rush II

Capstone Choir - intermediate choir - option for leadership roles, internships - includes senior recital