How to Register

NYU students register for classes using Albert, NYU’s online student information system. The Albert system requires you to log on to NYU Home using your NetID that has been pre-assigned to you by NYU. Information about registration and registration policies are available on the Registrar’s Office web site.

Prior to the registration period, students will complete a Registration Form, and consult with their advisor for course planning, scheduling, and clearance for registration. Students can then register during their assigned appointment time which can be found in Albert. Registration appointments are assigned to undergraduate students, and the assignment of appointment dates and times are based on the number of earned credits.

Earned credits do not include current credits in progress. Students' registration appointments are the earliest date and time in which they will be able to register for classes using Albert. The registration appointment is not an advisor appointment time; students should set up an appointment to meet with their advisor prior to their registration appointment date in Albert. Once you meet with you advisor, discussing your course selection for the following semester, your advisor will lift your advisement hold, which will allow you to register.

Checking for Other Holds

We strongly recommended that you check your “registration status” prior to registration, which will indicate if you have a “hold” on your account, which would prevent you from registering. Here are directions on how to check your status:

  1. Log into Albert through your account

  2. Under “Student Center” choose “Check Registration Status”

  3. Also check the “Holds” and “To Do List” boxes on the right hand side of your Student Center. These boxes will let you know if there is a hold on your record and what you need to do to fix it. Most holds I cannot look into or lift for you, so please use the contact they suggest in your Student Center.

      • Immunization hold - To clear this hold, go to the Health Center at 726 Broadway

      • Financial hold - To clear this hold, go to Financial Aid at 383 Lafayette Street

      • Advising hold - To clear this hold, please make an appointment with me on Google Calendar

Some things to keep in mind when preparing to register:

  • Plan early, don't wait. Your advisor will be registering for the entire program, so waiting until the last minute to talk about registration will only shorten your time to work on this with him/her.

  • Classes do fill up. In order to enroll in your ideal schedule, have your courses picked out well in advance of your registration date. Your registration date will be shown on Albert in your Student Center. This will appear at the bottom on the right-hand side, right above where it says who your advisor is.

  • Remember that some courses on run every fall, or every spring. Plan accordingly.

Error Messages

Albert does not allow you to register for courses with overlapping schedules. If you get an overlap message that you believe is in error, or for two required program courses, please contact your advisor and include a screen shot with the exact message.

For other messages, such as missing prerequisites, permission codes, and restricted to certain programs please contact the instructor or department. If it is a required program course, please contact your advisor.

Validating and Swapping

We strongly suggest that you validate your courses in your shopping cart before you actually go to register. This will help you ensure that you don't have time conflicts or are missing prerequisites.

When making changes to your registration, we also suggest you use the swap feature, rather than adding and dropping a course. This will prevent you from potentially losing a seat in a course and not being able to register for a new course, once registration has already begun.


If you put yourself on the Albert waitlist for a course, please keep the following in mind: the wait list is a computerized system and the next person on the wait list is automatically enrolled when a space opens up in the class. No confirmation is sent, so you are responsible for checking your status on Albert to see if you’ve been enrolled. Adjust your schedule so that your enrollment in the wait listed course does not take you above your maximum credit load. It is important that you check to see if you are off the wait list and in the course so that you attend all classes for which you are registered and so you can drop courses before you miss the window for tuition refunds.