Academic Standards

Steinhardt Academic Standards

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory progress each semester in accordance with Steinhardt’s policy on academic progress.  The minimum required GPA for satisfactory academic progress is a 2.0. Students with a grade point average below this will be considered as not making satisfactory progress and will come up for review by the Steinhardt Faculty and the Committee on Student Progress.  

ASH Academic Standards

Successful completion of our department’s undergraduate program require a strong foundation in theories and methods. Therefore, Education Studies students must also adhere to the following academic standards below:

Students who do not meet these department or program requirements, will be reviewed by the Program Director and the advisor, who may recommend any of the following: probation with an academic contract, requirement of repeating a course with a minimum grade, requirement of a different course with a minimum grade, one semester probation to bring up GPA, or recommendation for dismissal from the program.  Students will have the opportunity to meet with the Program Director to discuss their case, and may appeal to the Chair of the Department. Dismissal decisions are made by the Committee on Student Progress and appeals of dismissal decisions are handled by the Office of Student Affairs. 

Education Studies Academic Policy

All Education Studies students must make progress towards their degree. If a student has the intention of transferring to a different program or department, they are still required to take at least one Education Studies course per semester. If the student is in the program and not taking Education Studies courses, they will be placed on probation.  If after the student's third semester, they are not making progress in the Education Studies program, the student will be recommended for dismissal from the Education Studies program.