Education Studies and Education and Social Policy

5 Year BA/MA

Dual Degree in Education Studies and MA in Education and Social Policy

About the program:

This interdisciplinary, cross-departmental program is rooted in the disciplines of education, policy, sociology, economics, and statistics. The curriculum places a strong emphasis on using quantitative methods to ascertain causal effects of programs and policies. The program culminates with a group research project that provides professional-level research experience. Graduates will receive practical, hands-on quantitative and qualitative research skills as well as understand theory and fundamentals in education and policy.

You’ll graduate with practical, real-world qualitative and quantitative policy analysis skills that will prepare you for a career in educational agencies, think tanks, or nonprofit organizations.

Prepare for a career in:

Am I eligible to apply for this program?

This dual BA/MA program is open to currently enrolled BA in Education Studies students in good standing at the sophomore or junior level. Before applying, make an appointment with your Education Studies advisor to review the five-year program and discuss your interests and professional goals. Learn more about applying for this program.

Becoming a Graduate Student

Junior Year

In the Spring, you’ll meet with faculty and advisors, and work with your new graduate advisor to register for graduate courses for the upcoming Fall semester. You'll also fill out a Change of Major form in order to transfer to the dual-degree program.

Senior Year

In Fall of your senior year, you’ll attend the ASH graduate student orientation to learn more about the program.

Your Fifth Year

Once you enter your fifth year of study (your first as a graduate student), you will need to meet with your graduate advisor to complete the transition. You will then complete the remaining credits for your master’s degree.

Important Information about Financial Aid

Please note that financial aid at the graduate level is different than at the undergraduate level and you may not receive the same aid. In fact, some types of aid available to undergraduate students are not available once you become a graduate student, and you will be considered for graduate scholarships at this time.

To be considered for any type of financial aid (including scholarships), you must submit the FAFSA application between October 1 and February 1 of your senior year. When submitting the form, be sure to indicate your new status as a graduate student. For more information, visit NYU's Financial Aid.

Curriculum for Dual BA in Education Studies and MA in Education and Social Policy

Waived and Double-Counted Courses

Dual-degree students will complete core requirements for both the bachelor's and master's programs, and will save up to 14 credits (one full semester) by having 4 courses either waived or double-counted for both degrees. Students may not take more than 10 graduate credits during their undergraduate studies and no more than 50% of their total credits in any given semester may be graduate credits.

The following three graduate-level courses (10 credits) will apply to both degrees:

The undergraduate-level courses APSTA-UE 1085 Basic Statistics I (4 credits) and PSYCH-UA 10 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (4 credits) will allow a graduate course to be waived and either one satisfies the prerequisite for admission into the dual degree program.

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