Internal Transfer 

Internally transferring within Steinhardt or another NYU college

Students who wish to transfer from Education Studies to a different major or department within Steinhardt or NYU must alert their current advisor. The student must schedule a meeting with an advisor of the program/major they are hoping to transfer into to learn about the requirements and the transfer process. Each program will have different requirements and prerequisites, so it is important you do research regarding what is required for acceptance into the program and major requirements moving forward. 

To learn more about the internal transfer policies and timeline, review the Steinhardt Change of Major Protocol  and the general NYU Internal Transfer page.

To schedule an advising meeting with an advisor of the new program, review the cross-school advising schedule. Your Education Studies advisor cannot advise you on the new program requirements.

Please be aware that internal transfer is not guaranteed and it is important to maintain your progress towards the Education Studies degree, as long as you remain in the program.

Internal Transfer Process to Education Studies

If you are a current Steinhardt student interested in transferring to our Education Studies major, you must complete the Education Studies Internal Transfer Form.  This form will be reviewed and evaluated by the advisor and program director.  If approved, the advisor will schedule an advising appointment with you.

If you are a student in a different college at NYU, please review the NYU Internal Transfer page.