Organizing a Canvas Course

You may organize your course content in a variety of ways. Here are some resources that will assist you in organizing your Canvas course content effectively.

Canvas: Options for Organizing Your Course

Designing your Canvas course can be done using Modules, Pages, or a combination of both for maximum flexibility.

Canvas Organization Best Practices

NSM Templates

The NSM-IT Canvas Course Templates have been designed to help you get started structuring your content in Canvas and can be easily imported into your course and customized for your needs. 

View NSM-IT Basic Template mini-showcase: To preview the template to get an idea of what would work best to guide the student learning in your course.
View NSM-IT Sample Template Basic – Production Course
Download Canvas imscc file: Refer to the How do I Import the Template?  section below for instructions on how to use it.

View NSM-IT Template Embellished mini-showcase: To preview the template to get an idea of what would work best to guide the student learning in your course.
View NSM-IT Template Embellished -Production Course
Download Canvas imscc file: Refer to the How do I Import the Template? section below for instructions on how to use it.

Contact the NSM-IT Educational Technology and Multimedia Team if you have any questions about how to effectively implement the course template into your course or want to customize it further. You can set up a consultation or email us at

Other sample courses and templates:

How do I Import a Template?

**Note: We DO NOT recommend importing the entire template into an existing course with developed content. It is best to import the template into an empty course shell or Canvas Sandbox.

How to set up a Canvas DEV course shell and Import the Canvas Course Template

If you would like to import only sections of the template into your Canvas Course follow the instructions in the next section.
For information about the Course Import Tool's limitations, view the Course Import Tool overview

How do I Copy Specific Sections of a Template Into a Canvas Course?

It is recommended to first import the Canvas Course template into a Canvas DEV course shell before importing specific content into your Canvas Course. Follow the instructions in the section above to import the template into a Canvas DEV course shell before proceeding with the instructions in this section.

Import Specific Content from the Canvas DEV course shell to your Canvas Course