Beautiful work from week 9

Below are examples of high-quality home learning that have been submitted for week 8 of our expedition. If your work is featured below, well done for your outstanding efforts, and also a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in their home learning.

Please continue to send in your work to either or


Will's explanation of why we have day and night.

Theo telling us all about the water cycle.

The mysterious rabbit Alice.pdf

Alice's entertaining story.

depest depth Will.odt

Will's report on the deepest discovery.

water cycle Lucy.pptx

Lucy's presentation about the water cycle.

Poppy's water cycle diagram.


Lauren's detailed diagram which illustrates how the water cycle works.

Zak 5RS - Day and Night.docx

Zak's clear explanation of what causes day and night on Earth.

Ewan 5RS - Day and Night.docx

Ewan's comprehensive case study into why day and night occur on planet Earth.

Lauren's spine-tingling tale, which is both beautifully written and presented.