Beautiful work from Week 2

Below are examples of high-quality pieces of work taken from week 2 of our expedition. Well done to those who are featured below and also a big thank you to those who have sent in their work (remember your home learning must be sent to or


The Secret Life of Teachers Declan.docx

Declan's fantastic "Secret life of teachers" story with a key message.

Secret life of teachers Theo.odt

What happens in school when the children go home? Here's Theo's version of events.

Charlie B poem.docx

Charlie's awesome adaptation of "Please Mrs Butler" by Allan Ahlberg

Poppy's excellent observational sketch of Mr Cicero

Will poem 2

Will's original poem inspired by Allan Ahlberg's work

John's awesome portrait of Mr Hayes


Eden 5RS - Please Miss Smith Poem.docx

Eden's fantastic adaptation of Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg.

Maxime 5RS Blame Poem.docx

Maxime's clever remodelling of Blame by Allan Ahlberg.

Ewan 5RS - Please Miss Smith Poem.docx

Ewan's brilliant adaptation of Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg.

Heidi's beautiful portrait of Miss Oliver.

Zak's colourful observational drawing of Mr Wilkinson.

Oscar's effective portrait of Miss Oliver, using tone.


Charlie's poem:

Miss, I don't know what to write

Aaron's character description of Mr Cicero

Jack's Blame poem, adapted from Allan Ahlberg's Blame.

Spencer's secret life of a teacher

Jake's secret life of a teacher

Aaron's poem,

Please Mrs Allsup


Alex secret life of teacher story.docx

Alex's Amazing Secret Life of the Teachers Story

George NJS School Poem.docx

George's 'Who loves school?' poem which I'm sure is tongue in cheek!

James Miss Oliver description.docx

James' very kind description of Miss Oliver

Rosie poem Please miss Oliver.docx

Rosie's humorous 'Please Miss Oliver' poem

Ebony Secret Life of teachers story.docx

What Ebony thinks the teachers get up to after school..

Abigail charaecter decription Miss O.docx

Abigail's Lovely Character Description