Beautiful work from week 8

Below are examples of high-quality home learning that have been submitted for week 8 of our expedition. If your work is featured below, well done for your outstanding efforts, and also a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in their home learning.

Please continue to send in your work to either or


Alice's technical modern art sculpture inspired by the rainbow.

Poppy' wonderful rainbow and animals sculpture inspired by the NHS.

Jacob and Theo's brilliant modern piece inspired by the human impact on our planet.

Brilliant brazil Will.odt

Brilliant Brazil. Will takes us on a journey to this vibrant country.

Ellie heart.pptx

Dr Dearman is here to teach us all about the circulatory system. Great work Ellie.

Ancient Egyptians.docx

Declan's taking us back in time to learn all about the Egyptians and building his own pyramid.


Ewan 5RS - The Circulatory System.docx

Ewan's detailed explanation of how our circulatory system works.

Matilda 5RS - Ingredients

Matilda's step-by-step instructions for baking her mouth watering chocolate cake.

Zak 5RS - Presentation on Ancient Egypt.pptx

Zak's thorough exploration into the lives of the Ancient Egyptians.

Oscar 5RS - Presentation on Ancient Egypt.pptx

Oscar's informative and creative case study about Ancient Egypt.

Lauren's beautifully decorated pamphlet encouraging tourists to visit France.

Isaac 5RS - Presentation on Germany.pptx

Isaac's interesting introduction to visiting Germany.


Aaron's Turkey brochure

Summer's pupil interview

Kuba's research about volcanoes


Las vegas

Ashton's information text about Las Vegas

Ancient Egyptians

Archie's super report on the Ancient Egyptians

Ebony's information on South Korea