Introduction To Clinical Research In The NHS

This online training will help you to understand the practicalities of delivering research in the NHS

Introduction To Clinical Research In The NHS

We are offering a course for clinicians who are new to clinical research in the NHS.

If you would like to understand why research is important, the legislation and frameworks surrounding research and also who is involved in research in the NHS, this course will support you.  The live interactive module will bring the theory and practice together and help you to understand the practicalities of delivering research in the NHS.

It is estimated to take 90 minutes to complete the online section and a further 90 minutes of a Zoom live session.  The live interactive Zoom session is limited to 12 attendees as the sessions run monthly and are very interactive.

Main Modules

For more information on  the Introduction To Clinical Research In The NHS and how to access NIHR Learn, please visit our CRN East of England  Hub Home Training page.

Any queries, please contact us at: 

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