RCGP Research Ready 

The RCGP Research Ready Accreditation is required during the period of an annual Research Site Initiative (RSI) Contract 

RCGP Research Ready

Research Ready® is a quality assurance programme for all research-active UK GP practices.  It is designed in line with the UK Research Governance Framework's legal, ethical, professional, and patient safety requirements.  The programme serves to provide information, support and guidance to accredited practices in research; both to assist with meeting the requirements above, and with considering and conducting research. 

Research Ready® gives access to training and support for the whole practice team to upskill them to engage with research.  It can be used by all practice staff, both clinical and non-clinical (GPs, nurses, practice management, administrators). 


Further details of this accreditation and how to follow the steps to join are on the RCGP Research Ready website