NIHR Hub guide

How to get the most out of our NIHR Hub

Our NIHR Hub makes it easier for you to access all the NIHR applications and software you need to do your job. 

On the hub you'll find links our staff directory as well as your Google and third-party applications.  You can personalise the hub by dragging and dropping application icons and search using the search bar.

When you first visit the NIHR Hub, you homepage should look like this.

After authorising the hub, you're homepage should look like this.

Accessing the hub

 You can access the NIHR Hub here:

Authorising the NIHR Hub and Acceptable Use Policy

If you're not already logged into you NIHR Google account, you'll need to 'authorise' the hub. You'll see this  the first time you sign into the hub, where you'll be asked to confirm you want to sign in.

Following this you'll then be prompted to accept the NIHR's Acceptable Use policy (AUP), accepting this will add a cookie to your browser to remember your choice for 1 year before being prompted to re-accept the policy. You will also see this AUP prompt if you login from a new device, or from an incognito window.

Personalising the NIHR Hub

You can personalise the applications on your hub hub homepage by dragging and dropping application icons.  You can view the full list of icons by clicking 'show tools'. Then simply drag and drop your most used applications to the top of your NIHR Hub homepage.  

Hub search

The search bar on your NIHR Hub is powered by Google’s AI technology and will search the entire NIHR domain for your query. It will search all Google Drive folders you have access to, your Gmail inbox and calendar.  Your search will return documents, people, events and more. Think of it like a tailored Google Search but for the NIHR domain.