Primary Care Research Delivery Team

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care with the aim of improving the health and wealth of the nation

Who are we?


The National Institute for Health Research  (NIHR) is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research. The NIHR plays a key role in the Government’s strategy for economic growth, attracting investment from the life-sciences industry through its world-class infrastructure for health research. Together, the NIHR, people, programmes, centres of excellence and systems represent the most integrated health research system in the world. The NIHR is the research arm of the NHS.


The Clinical Research Network (CRN) East Midlands is one of 15 local CRNs across England, delivering research across 30 different clinical specialties, supporting both commercial and non-commercial research.

The CRN East Midlands Primary Care Research Team facilitates the set-up, delivery and performance management of NIHR portfolio research studies in Primary Care settings.

Each East Midlands county is home to its own Primary Care Research Team, consisting of Clinical Studies Development Officers (CSDO) and Research Facilitators The team are equipped with the knowledge, experience and expertise required to provide personalised support to your site to assist you with everything research related. We also have a collective of both 'one off' and 'continuous' infrastructure support available , in the form of both financial funding and clinical support staff. 

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The short video above explains how CRN East Midlands supports the delivery of Primary Care research across the region.

To find out more in regards to the infrastructure support we can provide for your site, Click Here.


The teams are managed by the Primary Care Team Leader, with oversight from the Research Operations Manager. The overall responsibility for the function and team lies with The Research Delivery Manager for Division 2 & 5, of which Primary Care falls under Division 5.

The team works closely alongside the Study Support Service (SSS) who are responsible for initial contact with study teams, assisting with regulatory submissions, attribution of costs, and exploration of recruitment pathways to optimise study delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Primary Care Research is important to your Practice and your Patients....

 "Research is core NHS business and every patient should be offered the opportunity to engage with research activities"- The NHS Constitution 

In addition, there is also a key focus within the NHS's Long Term Plan to utilise and invest in Research and Innovation to drive future clinical outcomes and improvements.

For further information on how delivering clinical research at your practice can benefit your practice and your patients click below:

How is Clinical Research Delivered in Primary Care in our Region?

The CRN support a variety of clinical studies requiring differing levels of engagement and involvement from sites. From displaying posters, taking part in surveys, acting as a patient identification centre (PIC) to working on more involved observation or intervention studies (site based recruiting studies). To find out more information in regards to the research delivery process select the relevant option from the processes below:  

How can I Review Research Performance at my Site / in my Region?

The NIHR Open Data Platform (ODP) is the NIHR’s Research Database which brings together research data and display it as research intelligence. There is a short guide on how to access this data on our Research Performance page which is also updated regularly with the latest information about research performance in our region. 

Is there Indemnity Cover For Research in Primary Care?

Clinical negligence arising during the course of research is covered by the introduction of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for primary Care (CNSGP). This scheme brings clarity around the indemnity provision for research in primary care. For example, the new scheme would cover a doctor if he / she were to misread a dose of a trial drug and end up giving too much to the patient resulting in causing harm to the patient. 

Any risk from the design of the clinical study, or if the patient comes to harm from the study despite the protocol being followed with no errors, is covered by trial sponsor’s indemnity. The Clinical Research Network checks for evidence that the trial sponsor has indemnity before the study is sent out to practices. 

How Can I Stay Up to Date with All the Latest Clinical Research News & Events in my Region?

You can sign up to receive the quarterly newsletter by clicking on the link for each county below:

Or Visit our News & Events Page

The Clinical Research Network (CRN) East Midlands Primary Care website is created and managed by the CRN East Midlands, part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).The site uses Typeform to allow organisations to express an interest in conducting research with support for the CRN East Midlands. As part of this process, data is captured and used by the CRN East Midlands. For more information about how Typeform stores and uses data, please visit: more information about the CRN East Midlands and to view our policies and procedures, please visit: