NCVR in Primary Care

What is NCVR?

The NHS is made up of many separate organisations in the UK. NCVR is a system-wide process that enables those organisations to work collaboratively, as one single organisation, to speed up the costing and contracting activities for commercial sponsors setting up multi-site studies.

It achieves this by using model agreements and a standardised pricing structure, the iCT tarrif. It is a UK-wide approach that is currently mandatory for commercial companies delivering late-phase clinical trials in NHS trusts and will soon be mandatory for all phases of clinical trials. To see how the tariff data is calculated and the current tariff, click here

By signing-up to NCVR, GPs are agreeing that no further negotiation will take place on any commercial contract study. This means accepting the prices generated by the UK-wide interactive Costing Tool (iCT) for each General Practice.

To see the list of current GP Practices signed up to NCVR, click here.  To sign up to the NCVR Scheme, click here.

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How does NCVR work?

What are the benefits to NCVR?

The UK is the only country in the world which will have a truly single negotiation and mandated contract acceptance.  This puts us at the forefront of innovation in delivering clinical research and is a significant reason for industry to deliver their trials here.

What happens if something is missed in the budget?

If a participating site identifies an issue with the content of a nationally reviewed iCT, they should escalate to the East Midlands CRN using the following process and using the infogram on the left