How to Become a Research Active Site

Providing the opportunity for your patients to take part in research is Exciting, Interesting & Rewarding & is not as complicated or as time consuming as you think! 

There Are Many Ways You Can Get Involved..........

Primary Care sites can support the delivery of Clinical Research by;

PROMOTION ONLY STUDIES - Advertising a research study through posters or digital resources.

SURVEY STUDIES - Staff at the practice complete short online research surveys- normally collecting their views / experiences on a certain topic. In these cases its the staff at the practice who count as the recruits! 

PATIENT IDENTIFICATION CENTRE STUDIES (PIC) - Identifying potential participants, via a database search & mail-out/ text-out, who will then be seen/ recruited in secondary care.

RECRUITING STUDIES - Identifying potential participants, via a database search & mail-out/ text-out and conducting the research/ recruitment of participants at your site.

Get Started....

  PROMOTION ONLY STUDY - The study team will simply send you an advertisement poster or similar to be displayed in waiting areas/ or added to websites / newsletters etc.

SURVEY STUDIES - The study team will ask for contact details of those you have identified in the practice to be surveyed or send you a link to take the survey.

PATIENT IDENTIFICATION CENTRE STUDY (PIC) - The Study Team / Sponsor is responsible for providing Primary Care Sites with a ‘PIC Agreement’. This document provides information in relation to the activities to be completed by the Primary Care Site, including the procedure for the processing of personal data. The Primary Care Site should review this document and complete the required sections. Primary Care sites should assess, arrange and confirm their own capacity and capability in regards to completing the required study activities outlined in the 'PIC Agreement'. Once the agreement has been signed the site will complete a database search utilising a pre-made downloadable E-Search. These can be found on this website for each study, under E-Searches. The site should then run the database search. A list of potential eligible participants will be generated and these should then be checked again for eligibility by the sites Clinical Research Lead. A mail-out (utilising a 3rd party mailing company) / text-out will then be completed inviting all identified participants to take part in the study. For PIC studies the participants are recruited by a team located in a secondary care site, as detailed in the PIC Agreement. The Primary Care site has no further involvement. More information on the study delivery process can be found Here.

RECRUITING STUDY - The study team issues the site with a ‘UK Local Study Information Pack’, this outlines the study activities for completion by the site. Sites should then work with the Sponsor to assess, arrange and confirm capacity and capability. A recruiting study follows the same initial way of identifying patients as a PIC study does, with the difference being that the eligible participants wanting to take part in the study are recruited by staff at the Primary Care site and all study activity and visits are carried out here. More information on the study delivery process can be found Here.

We Are Ready To Support You....

NIHR CRN East Midlands has its own dedicated CRN Primary Care Research Team, who are equipped with the knowledge, experience and expertise required to provide personalised support to your site to assist you with everything research related. We also have a collective of both 'one off' and 'continuous' infrastructure support available , in the form of both financial funding and clinical support staff. 

Click Here to contact your Local CRN Primary Care Team

Click Here to Find Out About Our Research Site Initiative Scheme and How Your Site Can Access This Funding

Click here for further information on the Health Research Authority (HRA) Processes and Legislation in relation to the delivery of Clinical Research in Primary Care.