(Primary Care Research Informatics & Digital Environment Solutions)


As part of a national initiative, each studies Lead CRN is expected to work with the study team to create the E-Searches (Database Search) for studies running in their region. This is to provide consistency of the study searches and to provide a more efficient way of working.

Please see the E-Search information below for studies running in the CRN East Midlands region. Each study has the search criteria which can be downloaded and imported into the relevant system (Systmone and/or EMIS), there is also a guidance document for details on how to download and run the search. 

Please select 'Download Documents' for the selected study. Once redirected to the Google form  select the link that is displayed to view the study folder and documents.  

If searches are undertaken without being selected as a site or confirmed by the study team, then you will not receive service support cost payment for this activity. 

For any queries in regards to the E-Searches please contact 

New SNOMED Codes are now LIVE!

Two new research-specific SNOMED codes have been released, allowing patients to make an informed choice about participating in Primary Care Research.

For more information and to access the SystmOne Case Finder Search click here

Please Note: The EMIS search is currently in development

The table above contains information E-searches (database searches) for Primary Care research studies that are currently running in the East Midlands. If you are unable to see the table or require any further information, please contact

Some information is accessible by PDF, if this is required in a different format please contact