Social Care

Social care research can change lives by supporting quality of life and independence, and help build a social care system that works for everyone.  We provide opportunities for people who use social care services and their families and carers to influence and take part in research. 


The NIHR supports service users and the public to participate in high quality research taking place in care, community and health settings across England, advancing knowledge and improving care.  Our research recognises the scale, variety and complexity of social care settings in which care is provided in England, such as in residential and nursing homes, in people’s own homes and in other community settings.

Social Care Leads

Professor Mo Ray

Social Care Research Specialty Lead

Louise Marsh

Social Care Research Associate

Ways to begin your path in research

If you work in social care or social work:

If you work in public health: 

Internships, fellowships and opportunities:

If you would like to find out opportunities to get involved in research contact: 

Resources for people working in Social Care Settings

The videos below highlight two of the studies that we have supported

Carla YPIR Video V2.mp4
Craig YPIR video (1).mp4

Research For Social Care Funding Call

The NIHR Research for Social Care (RfSC) call is a bi-annual competition specifically for social care proposals.

The aim of the RfSC call is to fund topics and research methodologies that increase the effectiveness of social care services, provide value for money and benefit service users and carers.

RfSC funds research which generates evidence to improve, expand and strengthen the way social care is delivered for users of care services, carers, and the public. For full details, please see the call specification. Individual projects will be funded up to £350,000.

Applications through RfSC should have:

Study Support Service

Study Support Service Lead LCRN Video.mp4

The Study Support Service can support with key areas:




Find out more about the Study Support Service here.

Financial Support

Financial support in agreement with the CRN or sponsors may be available to Social Care for participating in research.  

If you are unsure on the financial support available please contact