Care Home Research

 Approximately 376,000 people in the UK live in care homes (British Geriatrics Society, June 2011), which is around 4% of the population aged 65 years and over, and rising to 20% in those aged over 85.  Older people who live in residential care are  likely to live with complex care and health needs.  

Researchers, research funders and the government are beginning to wake up to the importance of the care home sector and the needs of their resident communities. 

Care home residents are a vulnerable group, often lacking an effective voice and are under-represented in research despite being people with often the most pressing and complex care and health needs . Residents need good care and research can help make this a reality. By driving improvements in care homes research can provide evidence to support new and better ways of working by giving staff and residents a real opportunity to make a difference.  Research studies may focus on how to improve care, provide new treatments or offer new ways to manage disease and the challenges associated with ageing. 

ENRICH brings together care home staff, residents and their families with researchers. It provides a toolkit of resources to help care homes make the most of research; and researchers to set up and run studies effectively and collaboratively in care homes. Please click here to direct you to the main ENRICH website.

Benefits for care homes participating in research

ENRICH Case Studies

Read more about our Care Home Mangers registered onto ENRICH below.

Copy of ENRICH Case Study - Jane Borland.pdf
Copy of ENRICH Case Study - Katie Wade.pdf
Copy of ENRICH Case Study Angela.pdf

By bringing together research with care home staff and residents, we can:

Care homes research in the East Midlands in 2021/22 

33 care homes in the East Midlands recruited participants into research studies during 2021/22.

Care homes across our region were able to support the delivery of 12 different studies.

This enabled 141 care home residents to take part in a research study.

Studies delivered included interventional and observational studies.

Examples of Research within the East Midlands

Finch in care homes, clinical trial. A programme of activity designed to prevent, manage or reduce falls. 1657 care home residents took part in this study. Mean age of 85 years. 68% were Friends & 32% were Male. GtACH training was delivered to 71% (n=1051) of staff in over 146 training sessions. 88 participants took part in the process evaluation through 44 interviews and 11 focus groups. This included management, care staff, residents and the falls leads. The GtACH Programme reduced falls by 43%, was cost effective costing £108 per resident. Did not affect residents activity & dependence levels. Offers benefits in the management of falls however, in practice care homes operate differently. 

Getting staff involved in research

Since conducting a qualitative dementia study in care homes a PhD researcher has observed a positive shift in the behaviour of care home staff. Ann Scott found that involving staff in a study improved their knowledge of dementia care and treatment, boosted their confidence and empowered them to influence other colleagues’ practice.

The approach

1. Equip behaviour nurses with the skills required to deliver training sessions to care home staff.

2. Identify trainees and  identify appropriate participants who are living with dementia.

3. Develop relationships with care staff to get them on board with the approach.

4. Deliver training to care staff.

5. Apply the model within the care home.

6. Develop individual care plans for each resident.

ENRICH brings together care home staff, residents and their families with researchers. It provides a toolkit of resources to help care homes make the most of research; and researchers to set up and run studies effectively and collaboratively in care homes.

ENRICH has been developed by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), and is a resource supported by the NIHR. The NIHR ENRICH Research Ready Care Home Network operates through local offices across England, Scotland and Wales.  Through the local offices the network is able to support identification of sites, facilitate recruitment and feasibility activities and provide a forum for researchers to link with enthusiastic local care homes dedicated to improving the lives, care and treatments of residents. 

Access to the ENRICH network of care homes means that your study can reach a wider population of potential patients. We have 119 care homes registered with EnRICH, more than any other region.

The MARQUE observational study recruited 344 dementia patients from care homes in the East Midlands.

Please follow this link for further information on ENRICH.

Access to ENRICH News.

How the ENRICH network supports research in care homes across the UK

The NIHR ENRICH Research Ready Care Home Network has been created to support researchers, to establish and deliver studies involving care homes and studies which involve (or could potentially involve) care home residents, family members or staff.

The NIHR ENRICH Research Ready Care Home Network operates through local offices across England, Scotland and Wales.

Through the local offices the network is able to support identification of sites, facilitate recruitment and feasibility activities and provide a forum for researchers to link with enthusiastic local care homes dedicated to improving the lives, care and treatments of residents.

To find out more please click here.

East Midlands ENRICH Contact

Debbie Glancy


Hazel Giles


Mary Derrick 


Rachael Fothergill


Precina Pankhania

East Midlands ENRICH Lead

Aliyah Adam

ENRICH  Co-Ordinator

How Can I get Involved?

What you need to do to join:

There is a place in the Network for all care homes interested in becoming involved in the support and delivery of research.

Contact if you would like to know more about ENRICH, or to  sign-up and join us please register here

Financial Support

Financial support in agreement with the CRN or sponsors may be available to care homes for participating in research.  If you are unsure on the financial support available please contact

For further information and how to get involved in care home research please contact