Communications & Engagement

The Communications and Engagement team work to raise awareness of research opportunities across the East Midlands, and to ensure that the views of participants and the public are taken into account when delivering research. 

We work in collaboration with our regional partners, and aim to provide more people with an understanding of the role of research within health and social care, the benefits of taking part in research, and to signpost people towards research studies that they can participate in. 

We facilitate the delivery of key national NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) campaigns, as well as local activity within the East Midlands. 

We also seek to encourage more members of the health and social care workforce to become research active, by providing them with information about how they can make research a part of their career and the potential benefits that they will gain from it. 

Meet the Communications & Engagement Team

For more information about our activities or to find out how we can work with you, please contact us using the details below.

Chris Machado

Business Operations Manager

Natalia Bellot

Communications and Engagement Lead

Bethany Winter

Communications and PPI Officer