Accessing Recruitment Data

Guidance for Primary Care Research Sites to Access Recruitment Data

The NIHR Open Data Platform (ODP) is the NIHR’s platform to bring together research data and display it as research intelligence. 

This document is intended for the use of Dental Practice Research Sites in the East Midlands to assist with locating and viewing site specific recruitment data and study information.

Guidance for Primary Care Research Sites to Access Recruitment Data.

If you require further assistance with using ODP or would like further training please get in touch by contacting

Accessing the NIHR ODP App

Please click here to access ODP.

Logging in to ODP / Creating an NIHR Account

You should be presented with this screen.

Existing NIHR email address holders

Any users who already have an NIHR email address can easily log in through the Identity Gateway. Simply click on the link “Log in with your NIHR Hub Account” to enter CPMS.

Non-NIHR email address holders

Any new user without an existing account can create an account within CPMS by clicking on the “Create account” link.

You will then be directed to the “Create account” page. Complete the details on the form and agree to the ‘Terms and Conditions’ before clicking the Next button.

You will be directed to a page asking you to validate your new CPMS account via a confirmation link sent to you via email.

When your new account has been created and you have confirmed the link in your email, you can login to the Identity Gateway. Simply enter your email and password into “Non-NIHR Login” area.

Selecting the All Portfolio App 

4. Click on All Portfolio.qvw to open the app.

Selecting your Site using an ODS Code

1. Select the ‘Sites’ tab at the top of the page. 

2. Scroll down the page looking at the menu on the left hand side until you come to Site Type. Click on Dental. This should then become highlighted in green.  

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to Data Tables and ensure that the Site Research Activity box is selected.  

4. Click on site code and start entering your ODS code. 

5. Once you have entered your full ODS code click on it and only information relating to your surgery should now be displayed.

Viewing recruitment data for your selected site  

1.Once you have selected your site, select the ‘STUDY-SITES’ tab from the left hand menu under Data Tables

2. You should then be able to see a list of all recruiting studies which have taken place at your site. This also includes PIC studies where consent has taken place in secondary care but recruitment has been mapped back to your practice.

3. To view recruitment/ study data for a specific financial year select the year you wish to view from the Research Activity FY tab in the left hand menu. Select the year(s) you wish to view by clicking on them. They will turn green once selected and appear in the Current Selections box.

Downloading Data 

1.You can download your data into an excel spreadsheet by right clicking anywhere on the table and selecting ‘Send to Excel’.

2.The excel file will appear in your downloads folder.

Unselecting/ removing a filter to amend your data search 

1.When selecting filters you will notice that every selection you make is added to the Current Selections box at the top left hand side of the page.

2.To remove a filter or to go back a step in your selection process click on the eraser icon as shown below and then select the relevant filter you require to display the data you wish to view; following the steps shown in the previous sections of this document. For example, to view a different financial year, click on the eraser icon next to the year selected (in this case: 1920) and then repeat the steps for selecting a different financial year as described earlier.

Removing all filters to start a new data search

1.Clicking on the Clear tab in the top left corner will remove all the filters you have previously applied.

The green squares in the tab headings indicate filters that have been selected - see screenshot below. These  should disappear once you have clicked on Clear. Anything listed under Current Selections will also be removed. 

Gaining a comparative overview of site performance 

1.Select the Filters tab.

2.From the Participating LCRN menu select East Midlands.

3.From the Site Type menu select Dental.

4.Select the relevant Financial Year from the Research Activity FY menu.

5. Select the sites tab.

6. You can then use the Switch Chart Display menu to move between viewing how many Studies each site has recruited to within the chosen financial year and how many participants each site has recruited (Recruitment).