Research Champions and Public Contributors

A public contributor is someone who is engaged in Clinical Research Network activities specifically to provide expertise from the lived experience of a patient or member of the public. 

Research Champions

We work closely with a number of Research Champions who volunteer their time to help the NIHR Clinical Research Network spread the word about health and care research to patients and the public, and especially those groups who are currently less likely to take part in research. 

Research Champions are passionate about getting more people involved in research so that we can develop better care and treatment for everyone.

Research Champions also help health and care staff understand patients' experience of research. Through their important work, Research Champions help us promote research in health and social care services, and across society more widely. 

Who can be a Research Champion?

A Research Champion is someone who is: 

What can Research Champions do?

The activities that Research Champions do are determined by their personal interests and time they have available. Activities that are involved include:

Support and development

Research Ready Communities

Research Ready Communities is a national programme working in partnership with communities in the local area. 

The programme  was designed to support Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) to build relationships with under-served communities to increase their access to health and care research opportunities. 

We want health and care research to be more inclusive, to reflect and represent all groups and communities to address health inequalities. 

What does the Research Ready Communities programme involve?


Public Contributors Information Pack- single pages.pdf
Research Champion_Role Description.pdf