Be Part of Research Service

The Be Part of Research website is designed to help anyone find out about health and social care research that is taking place across the UK.  It allows members of the public to search for opportunities and take part in studies. The website also acts as a simple tool that clinicians and healthcare professionals can use to support patients who ask about research.

Find promotional materials for Be Part of Research here.

Be Part of Research makes it easier to help people make informed choices about taking part in health and care research in the UK and gives everyone the chance to get involved in research if they want to.

It aims to help people understand what research is, what it might mean to take part, while also showing the range of research currently taking place across the UK.

It also helps researchers find suitable people for the studies they’re running.

Why Be Part of Research?

Research allows us to form a greater understanding of how our bodies work. Through this understanding, clinicians can save lives and help us be healthier, for longer.

Research underpins all medical and healthcare innovations, whether this involves looking for more accurate and earlier diagnoses, better treatments, faster recovery, or preventing diseases. 

Research studies cover a wide range of conditions, both common and rare. 

Research only happens thanks to the hundreds of thousands of volunteers who are willing to take part in research studies every year. 

Every volunteer makes a difference. 

Be Part of Research Key Aims

Through the use of Be Part of Research, we aim to have a research-ready population who want to learn more about research and feel confident to find their own opportunities to take part in research to benefit themselves and others. Our key aims include:

Be Part of Research can help anyone

Our values

Be Part of Research is delivered by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), the nation’s largest funder of health and care research.


For patients and the public

For health and social care professionals

For researchers

"Using the registry to share my research questionnaire with volunteers across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland was easy and led to a fast influx of responses to the online questionnaire. The service helped me to reach my target recruitment and I would be happy to use the service again. "

Jessica Large, Doctoral Researcher,  Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour,  Loughborough University.