Math Tools Challenge

This past week we began the first module of our new literacy curriculum, EL Education (Expeditionary Learning)! In this module, students build their literacy and citizenship skills as they engage in a study of tools and work. Students first learn about how tools help to do a job. They then extend their understanding of what it takes to do a job when they learn how the “habits of character” of initiative, collaboration, perseverance, and responsibility help them do work. In Unit 1, students are introduced to hand tools through a series of “tool challenges.” In each challenge, students are presented with a dilemma and the question, “Which tool is best for the job?” Students discuss by asking and responding to questions, and ultimately experiencing tools for themselves as they engage in each tool challenge. Following these experiences students engage in a series of focused read alouds, featuring people from around the world who use specific tools for certain tasks.

We received a Mission Letter from Headquarters with information about upcoming challenges and our mission. Our mission is to create or make an object or thing that is needed for the classroom. To help us get to this goal, headquarters has been sending us ‘challenges.’ 

In our first challenge, we received a package with measuring cups, a ladle, and tongs and double-sided cookies. We needed to figure out which tool would be best to flip the cookies over without using our hands. Ask your child which tool worked the best and why!

In our second challenge, we had a special delivery from Headquarters (thanks, Mr. Nardelli)! In this package, we received a calculator, measuring cups, unifix cubes, and our 2 rods of different lengths. Our challenge was to see which math tool would be best to PROVE which rod was the longest and shortest. Check out some of the ways we used the math tools to prove our thinking!