Issue 22

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Issue 22, April 1, 2013

Dear Readers,

I'd like to give a shout out to Vanessa Fogg, whose 'Snow's Daughter' in this issue is her first fantasy publication. We hope this portends a great future.


Scott T. Barnes, Editor

Table of Contents


The King of Dogs or Dog Days and Wolf Nights by Chantal Beaulne

I’ve never named a country before, or a street, or even a baby. But it couldn’t have been as hard as it was to name my dog. If a country gets a stupid name it can always have a revolution, streets can be named after numbers, and babies can always grow up to become someone so notorious everyone dreads to speak their name and instead come up with a dozen different euphemisms.

For the Plight of Its Children by C.R. Esaryk

Thomas wasn’t always a monster. He used to be innocent, I swear on the world. I remember his big cheek smiles, and...tippytoe walker, scared about crushing ants. It was on his birthday of seven when things began to change.

Snow's Daughter by Vanessa Fogg

Far to the north, the Snow Queen’s palace rose from a featureless plain: ramparts of snow half a hundred feet thick, gleaming domes of translucent ice, soaring towers and hidden tunnels that curved endlessly under the snow. Within, all was silent and still.

Flash Fiction

River Dragon's Curse by Jamie Lackey

Escape by Susan Pertessis


Where's the Car/Plane? Which one? by Joyce Frohn

La Belle Dame Sans Merci by Elizabeth Hopkinson


Unfolding by F.J. Bergmann

Wizard's Tome by Erik Bundy

Trash Picker on Mars by Gene Twaronite

Artwork Pug by John William Haverty Jr.