Issue 1

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Premier Issue

Issue 1, December 1, 2007

Welcome to our first issue. publishes speculative fiction of every stripe except graphic horror. We like each issue to have an eclectic variety of stories: funny, frightening, hard and soft sci-fi, adventure, thoughtful, etc. Every issue includes at least one nonfiction piece dealing with some aspect of science, myth, folklore, or literature as it relates to speculative fiction, usually of the well-researched essay variety rather than opinion or editorial. Speculative poetry is welcome.


Scott T. Barnes, Editor

Table of Contents


Ozelotl by John Kratman

The Boy Who Cried Fire by Laura Le Hew

Man In The Mountain by J.M. McDermott

Flash Fiction

Birds of a Feather by Karen Bradley

Blueberry Pie by Michael Kechula


Love Factor #9 by Greg Beatty

The Sepultress by Rhonda Parrish


The Magic of the Rings is Temperamental by Ahmed A. Khan

Here Be Dragons by R.S. Pyne

Renaissance Fair Romance by Michael Starnes

Artwork Rusted Tin Man by Steve Cartwright