Issue 4

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Issue 4, September 1, 2008

Dear Readers,

All I can say is “wow.” How the year flew by. New Myths’ fourth issue completes the first cycle with more than 40 authors, poets, and artists published to date.

Besides more great fiction, poetry, and non fiction for Issue IV, we’re planning several exciting things for the run up to our anniversary. First comes the weekly book reviews, starting with entries from each guest lecturer at the Odyssey Writing Workshop. You may have read that I graduated from the class of 2008. I don't hesitate to say that Odyssey was the greatest writing experience of my life. I learned more in a day there than in all the workshops I’ve participated in thus far. Jeanne Cavelos is truly inspiring and the weekly guest lecturers provided a perfect compliment. Together, they have crafted some of the most inspiring fiction in the field (including Beggars in Spain, It Came From Schenectady, A Malady of Magicks, and more...). Thanks to the time spent at Odyssey, I hope to offer some personal "author insights" with each book review.

Secondly, programming guru Dana Reed has helped New Myths create an online literary game. I’m not prepared to release any details yet, but anyone with an interest in the craft of writing will enjoy it. The beta just needs a little tweaking before the public can take a crack at it. The beta version should be up by the middle of October.

Finally, I’m about to take the plunge and begin a blog here and simultaneously on my web site ( I’ll jaw a little bit about writing and life, and you can tell me what you think of the New Myth stories, my jawing, or whatever. Look for that by the end of September.

We have some great stories this month. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


Scott T. Barnes, Editor

Table of Contents


Anomaly’s Maiden by Michelle R. Rasey

The Last Resort by A.K. Sykora

The Merry’s Dalliance by Cerridwen Iris Shea

The Spider and the Contrabass by J.F. Peterson

Flash Fiction

Afterbirth by M. P. Ericson

Living Butterflies by David Harrington


Golem by Joshua Gage


Knockers by R. S. Pyne

Artwork Mercenary by Dan Skinner