Issue 5

A quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Issue 5, December 1, 2008

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our First Anniversary Issue. What a learning experience. Some things we have done well, and others undoubtedly need improvement. You may have noticed I held off opening up the forum. It is an issue of time, really. I just don’t have enough of it to monitor a forum right now.

As an all volunteer army, time is our biggest constraint. That's why we love to receive horrible submissions: we can reject them after reading a couple of pages. Irresistible stories rank a close second. But those pesky middle-of-the-roaders with good plots but flat characters, or flat plots but memorable characters, those drive us bananas. It takes far too long to decide which few to keep. Please, send us the gold or the tin; leave the sterling in the drawer.

But enough about us. Every quarter the number of our faithful readers grows. We hope you become one of them. Here are the stories that made it through our submission gauntlet.


Scott T. Barnes, Editor

Table of Contents


Illustrator Toby Cypress by Scott T. Barnes

Author of Black Magic Woman Justin Gustainis by Scott T. Barnes


Goldfish by Laura Bickle

A Literary Agent's Lament by J.F. Peterson

Sangromancer by Melissa Mead

Self Imposed by Ashley Arnold

Flash Fiction

Crossing Guard by Elizabeth Creith

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Boneless by D. Lynn Frazier


The Sword and the Ring by Sarah Ashwood


Cycle by Rebecca Fraser

Nitokris by Megan Arkenberg

Artwork Toby Cypress