
The universe is unfolding as it should.

—Edwin Hubble, American astronomer

The cosmos is unfolding as it should.

Its gears are spinning. Without supervision,

the universe inclines toward greater good,

expanding clockwork set to imprecision.

Its gears are spinning without supervision:

chaos winding down a doomsday watch,

expanding clockwork, set to imprecision.

Fourteen billion years ago it hatched

chaos, winding down. A doomsday watch

ticked soundlessly through vacuum less than

fourteen billion years ago. It hatched:

the stuff of stars began to coalesce then,

ticked soundlessly through vacuum. Less than

sentience, only dreams in some vast dark,

the stuff of stars began to coalesce then,

from unseen matter, tethered trails of sparks,

sentience only dreams in some vast dark.

The universe inclines toward greater good.

From unseen matter, tethered trails of sparks,

the cosmos is unfolding. As it should.
