Planning Your Future

High Five Messages

Career planning experts have developed the High Five messages, as a foundation for successful career and life planning:

Message #1: Follow Your Heart

People are happiest and do their best when doing what they love.

Message #2: Access Your Allies

Involve others in your career planning: family, neighbours, coaches, teachers and friends. You may also find helpful people at local employment and career centres in the community.

Message #3: Change is Constant

Both in work and in life, change is constant and can create opportunities. Be flexible, versatile and adaptable to harness the power of change.

Message #4: Learning is Lifelong

As the world continues to change, you must continue to learn. Learning how to learn is an important skill to master.

Message #5: Focus on the Journey

Life is a journey of experiences with destinations or goals, as stopping points, along the way. These goals may be achieved, revised or new goals may be set, as you continue on your journey.


Before you begin career planning, it is important to understand the terms work, job, occupation and career.

Career planning is the process of developing your roles and using your experiences to create the life you want to live. Since these roles and experiences are forever changing, it is important to understand that career planning is a very dynamic process and you will continue to evaulate and adjust your career plans in response to external factors such as changes in the workplace, and internal factors such as a shift in interests or a change in life circumstances.

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Explore Here....

Having trouble deciding on possible Career Paths?  Here are some tools that may help you find some online direction:

Connecting Saskatchewan:  Contact360 - 

myBlueprint - links on the High School Planning page 

Explore these Career Clusters...

Specific career information and specific news and updates has been provided for each tab.

Career and Job Clusters